Please help my kovachii...

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Multiflorals assassin
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score
Montreal PQ
find one of it's contact lenses or something. It seems to be on the floor. :rollhappy:
I mean seriously, will I ever get a decent kovachii flower?
Still opening, but it seems that the flower won't stand up for some reason.
Too much light maybe ?

It's heavy.
Stake the whole spike, not the flower because then you risk breaking that flower off.
OMG! It works! I feel so dumb.. :eek:
Last spring I placed this plant near the center of the growing table and when the spike started growing it was going away from the light. So when the flower opened horizontally I thought that maybe since the colour washes away fast, it was a way to protect the colour of the flower from the light.. Yeah, I was overthinking it.. lol

It helps prevents petal reflexing?

I think that only line breeding will prevent petal reflexing. We'll see in 20 years, ...

Stake the inflour!
Actually, you should have staked it when it started! :eek:

They've always grown straight up, so I never had to.

Shhh! It's almost asleep!



Thanks again guys :)

With some of it's kids


Peruflora's Angel
kovachii 'Halloween'
Peruflora's Cirila Alca
Fritz Schomburg (made with the besseae flavum)
Peter Croezen
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