Shin Yi's Surprise

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Multiflorals assassin
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score
Montreal PQ
Bought as blooming size last year from Sam. Not too bad for it's first try. :)

That is really nice. Love the petal stance and the wide dorsal. Add the colour. It is a unique look. Good flower count first up. Lots of potential.
Shin-Yi Surprise is Jerry Spence x roth -- I had to look it up.

I wouldn't mind having one of these!

Sorry for that. I wanted to see if on the label there was a clonal name for the rothschildianum since it's not mentioned on the orchidinn website before posting. But, I was always forgetting to look it up.

So there it is. This Shin Yi Surprise is :
(Jerry Spence 'Parkside' AM/AOS x rothschildianum 'New Generation')
Again, thanks for your great comments. I was a bit disappointed when the first flower opened. I was expecting (hoping) for a dark red pouch. So I didn't really appreciate it very much.. Now, I'm starting to like it a bit more. :)
They are phototropic, they will tilt towards the light, also when my plants bloom I take pictures then cut the spike and put it in water right away, they stay good in bloom for a long time & it reduces stress on the plant :)