I as with most growers, would be happy if you guys could just point me in the direction of the miracle solution when you find it.
:rollhappy: I don't think that's going to happen Gary beause there ain't one.
For what its worth though (and that may not be much) I think a fertilizer with equal parts NH4-N and NO3-N is a good start for orchids. Maybe a K/N ratio more like 0.4 or 0.6 for profusly flowering orchids like catt dends and phals and multi flowering paphs. Maybe a K/N of 0.3 is enough for some paphs. I still believe a K/N of 0.008 is too low. I think a P/N of 0.008 is appropriate. Magnesium at half or less than the level of Calcium is important. I often blend 2 or 3 ferts as I am unhappy with all their formulations!
Sulphur should not be forgotten. Xavier mentions Manganese and boron higher than iron is the way to go judging from his wild tissue samples.
And what about silica? It is just as abundant as Ca in the habitat but hardly anyone mentions it. I think I read somewhere that there is a sinergistic relationship between Si, B and Ca! Thats what I'm using anyway.
And don't forget the seaweed and amino acids :rollhappy:
Oh and I forgot to mention the all important concentrations! When I'm happy with my fert mix, I give all the above vigorous plants an EC of about 0.3 to which would make N roughly 50ppm. I don't worry too much about it. Plants on cork get double that every second watering on average. The delicate Paphs like the parvis etc get about 25 or 30ppm N. I'm still learning how to feed paphs.