The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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false. the apartment I lived in was very cool.

tpbm rented living space for 15plus years in the same place.
False. I'm diabetic and therefore don't eat sweets.

TPBM discovered a spike forming on their Stanhopea seedling this morning. :rollhappy:
False, but I would love to have a couple and also do this...!!!

TPBM cannot wait for the orders of plants to arrive!!!!
False, but I am contemplating placing an order. Can never have enough.

TPBM is dreading the first snowfall.
True. BUT I don't watch zee footzball.

TPBM should really bring their orchids indoors before they end up being dead orchid popsicles
Kind of true, but not due to weather, but due to luck of light, cause the day becomes shorter and shorter!

TPBM is going to the mountain again this week weather permited!!!!
false. but remember picking mushrooms when I was six.

tpbm has coolers full of food 'cause the frig crapped out (6 y/o, wtf).
False, but I am sorry to hear that! Also congrats on your brand new one!!!;)

TPBM has more pots than
False... maybe the hottest of the week, but still under 65F

TPBM, has received some tubers of Cyclamen heredifolium and has no clue how to grow them :(
Use soil (humus based) and keep moist, but a little dry will do too, but only for a day or two! Also do not let it under the sun (if yes, one hour at the most). It also needs some relative humidity and not let it over 25oC! Leaves will be the indicator! Do a little googling and you will find more info! :D

True, I got one for me and one for a friend of mine! hehe... I kept the big one (more or less 10cm ion diameter) and I sent the smaller (approx 4cm) to my friend!!!

TPBM is on the verge of a headache!!!!
true. you must be a fly on the wall (doing chem. HW. and waiting for 'frig repair person. uggg).

back in the day, tpbm would be target practicing with Thunderhead 125gr. and foam this week.

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