The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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sort of, would be happy if convenient bus from utica to syracuse, but no practice... though if it would stop frikkin raining I would ride my bike....

tpbm shot some skeet yesterday evening, and other person had better results using my gun than tpbm did! :confused:

tpbm has checked out their male pattern baldness on the security monitor near the convienence store cash register.
:D nope, none to check out though the next generation if any may get some from mother's father

tpbm was watching a thunderstorm in the far distance while the sky all around was clear (with stars and a full moon showing)
Nope...I was right in the middle of the storm. I love thunderstorms!

tpbm is on cloud nine because their indoor cat, (that got out somehow) has returned after being gone for a night!
No thank goodness - I would freak! (I'm glad yours is okay :) ).

TPBM is handling kitchen duties for their society's orchid show. And not really getting a lot of orchid action because of it.:sob:

tpbm was offered a phrag fischeri at their orchid show for $100 (5 growths and flowering), told was down from $150, but doesn't have that kind of money for plants even during good financial times
True, Paph bellatulum, Paph. Fumi's Delight, Bc. Maikai...

TPBM, has received some very nice plants yesterday :)

tpbm was offered a phrag fischeri at their orchid show for $100 (5 growths and flowering), told was down from $150, but doesn't have that kind of money for plants even during good financial times

ok, that was "overlapping" :)

let's try again...


TPBM, has received some very nice plants yesterday
true. both of us are changing right now. we'll be down by the South Amboy Waterfront.

tpbm is killing time to let the lawn dry before mowing
False, just received an order with 11 plants, and will receive othe 6 plants this week... and probably 2-4 plants the week afetr... no more shopping until I manage to get more space for my plants....

TPBM, is enjoying a great sunday afternoon with great wheather...
um.... kinda true. i like my job, i work in a place with glass walls (greenhouse) and the weather inside is typically nice....but it's nice outside too.

tpbm is gonna grab lunch
false; there were two up for auction at the stos meeting a few weeks ago, may still be one unsold (a good number of plants were not bid on)

tpbm has over six children of their own or adopted (or mix)

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