cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Dec 10, 2009 #3,801 false tpbm will be going to work christmas/thanksgiving lunch tomorrow
luvsorchids Well-Known Member Joined Mar 13, 2009 Messages 690 Reaction score 11 Location Seattle, WA Dec 11, 2009 #3,803 False TPBM just took a loaf of banana bread out of the oven and can't wait to dive in :drool:.
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Dec 11, 2009 #3,804 False, but I ate an untoasted pop-tart! TPBM won an auction for an eBay phrag .
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Dec 11, 2009 #3,805 at one time, maybe true. don't remember tpbm is ready for the weekend
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Dec 11, 2009 #3,806 true tpbm just ate so much that they don't feel like eating for the rest of the weekend!
C Clark Guest Dec 11, 2009 #3,807 false. i'm starving. tpbm thinks they have seen their neighbor's place on pages 700-709.
B biothanasis Guest Dec 11, 2009 #3,808 False!! TPBM is hoping that the new growth on a bulbo is buds...
Yoyo_Jo Catt's Meow Joined Feb 15, 2008 Messages 5,464 Reaction score 0 Location Qualicum Beach, BC Dec 11, 2009 #3,809 False, I don't have a bulbo any more. I killed it. :sob: TPBM is going to make some mulled wine this evening. :drool:
False, I don't have a bulbo any more. I killed it. :sob: TPBM is going to make some mulled wine this evening. :drool:
B biothanasis Guest Dec 12, 2009 #3,810 False! I have no idea how to...! TPBM always says that the purchases are enough for this period but always makes more orders!!! LOL
False! I have no idea how to...! TPBM always says that the purchases are enough for this period but always makes more orders!!! LOL
E etex Guest Dec 12, 2009 #3,811 True, I told my husband 3 orders ago that that was all till after Christmas!!Lucky for me, he didn't believe me and my last order-a hefty one- is his Orchid Christmas Present to me! Such a lovely addiction!! TPBM is going shopping today!
True, I told my husband 3 orders ago that that was all till after Christmas!!Lucky for me, he didn't believe me and my last order-a hefty one- is his Orchid Christmas Present to me! Such a lovely addiction!! TPBM is going shopping today!
K Kavanaru Guest Dec 12, 2009 #3,812 True... need to buy some presents and a bottle of CO2 for my terrarium... TPBM, is going to the theater tonight...
True... need to buy some presents and a bottle of CO2 for my terrarium... TPBM, is going to the theater tonight...
Yoyo_Jo Catt's Meow Joined Feb 15, 2008 Messages 5,464 Reaction score 0 Location Qualicum Beach, BC Dec 12, 2009 #3,813 False, but I wish I was. TPBM is wishing it would stop snowing already because they need to go out and run some errands.
False, but I wish I was. TPBM is wishing it would stop snowing already because they need to go out and run some errands.
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Dec 12, 2009 #3,814 false, no snow here far. tpbm wants lunch
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Dec 12, 2009 #3,815 false just had dinner tpbm just read an interesting book today
B biothanasis Guest Dec 12, 2009 #3,816 False, but I did yesterday and the day before yesterday! TPBM was searching for another group of people that have orchids as a hobby in their country and eventually did! :clap:
False, but I did yesterday and the day before yesterday! TPBM was searching for another group of people that have orchids as a hobby in their country and eventually did! :clap:
luvsorchids Well-Known Member Joined Mar 13, 2009 Messages 690 Reaction score 11 Location Seattle, WA Dec 12, 2009 #3,817 False-already know a bunch. TPBM has a Paph. wardii that is taking FOREVER to open .
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Dec 13, 2009 #3,818 false but i've got a few others that are! tpbm knows that one coffee tree typically only produces one pound per year.
false but i've got a few others that are! tpbm knows that one coffee tree typically only produces one pound per year.
B biothanasis Guest Dec 13, 2009 #3,819 False, didn't know that...! TY TPBM is prepairing for dinner...