Robert, you mentioned the cross 'Ching Hua #3' x 'Ching Hua #5', and showed obvious differences to what you present here as true primulinum...
I have received one plant of the cross 'Ching Hua #3' x 'Ching Hua #5' from you, and this plant is currently in bloom. However, the flower is more similar (color, shape and size - unless you have really tiny thumbs) to the smaller flower you present here... Doe sthis mean, this cross would also have such a great variability, that separating it from real primulinum would be impossible to 100%, based on size, color and shape? (I do not speak from fragrance, I have not checked if my plant is fragrant yet)
Yes, it is true I have noticed some variation within the plants for size of the Taiwanese plants. The one that I showed probably had the largest flowers and that is why I kept it. If the Taiwanese strain is a hybrid (say (moquetteanum x primulinum) x primulinum) you would expect to see some variation in flower size. Some would have the size of a pure primulinum and some the size of a moquetteanum. So, yes to answer your question, It will be hard to separate them just based on size (although the average size of the flowers within a hybrid population will be larger than in the pure species). However if you see some mottling in the foliage, that is a good tell tell sign that you are dealing with a hybrid, as pure primulinum's never have any mottling in the foliage. Another characteristic that I find different is the dorsal. in a pure primulinum it is not as round, and somewhat reflexed. In the hybrid it tends to be larger, flatter and more round in shape.