Wow, thanks Eric! I just spent a few hours going over all those lists. Way more temptation than my credit card allows! Oh, and I'm amazed at the length of your grow list. How ever do you fit them all in your apartment??
Ohio-guy, it was joining my local OS that started this whole mess! I picked up a few from the raffle table, and a couple more from a vendor/presenter. Then a couple on eBay and from a guy who was sellling his collection.
I'm trying to focus on small growers that will do well under my lights, plus I favor the pinks and roses, although I :drool:ed over a Jason Fischer at my last OS meeting. Saw a photo of an Elizabeth Castle on this site, but haven't found one on-line yet.
I will try contacting vendors who will be attending the MOS show in April to see if they'll bring me something special!