I didn't mention the 'Tea Party', if you will read, you will notice 'tea party' in lower case, which means a frivolous and mindless event and not the more recently organized group of people who are disgusted with politics and etc in the u.s. . I'm not sure why you feel you are poking me, I am a general citizen of this country. if you want to mock the politics and morals of this country, feel free! I agree that much here is lacking. The point that the whole sit-in in new york and washington (for the moment) is rather specious or frivolous in itself (smile), unless there is real intent behind those who are organizing.
Socialism in itself has already proven itself to be a failture. Where is the true socialist society of today (or yesterday) that has shown itself to be a success?True capitalism and democracy, do not exist in the united states. ..nor anywhere. so,.. your points about frivolity and speciosity are in themselves specious! :rollhappy: Even in the days of 'rampant communism', those societies were also not truly communistic; more dictatorships. all societies are a mix of this and that, depending on the wants of the governing bodies. if you feel that you are poking the general state of the u.s. then again feel free. but if you feel that you are poking me as a rampant capitalist or whatever, then your limericks are far from the point, and marginalize the author (or contributor). but, orchid growers including myself can often be categorized as being 'pretty out there'

Claiming that any one social, political or economic idea or theory is 'the one to have' or 'superior' to others and seeking to denigrate others, is the epitome of speciosity
again, the point is that people should make sure that they are careful before they join groups that they don't know the motives behind the organizers. you seem to want to ignore that point, that in general people don't often know what they are getting themselves into, whether it is politics, business, jobs, relationships etc or whatever. seeking why and how things are happening is what a true citizen should do, not just follow the crowd if you're pissed off. the history channel is chock-full of millions who have died for just such a blind action. I work with many bosnians, and they will tell you very quickly that this is what happened in their country, and if you described the situation to people of other countries who have been torn apart by civil wars (check out africa - recent and past history) because people who normally lived side-by-side were incited by those who wanted to seek power, so sought those who were disenfranchised and stirred the pot, if they then realized what was happening they would say 'beware' very quickly. actually, one of my (bosnian/now a u.s. citizen) co-workers has already mentioned to me that what is happening in the u.s. right now makes him very nervous