Well-Known Member
I use nutricote 15.8 - 3.9 - 7.8 on everything. (yes everything) It's probably all that is required but I do give the occasional liquid feed with either organic or hydroponic to some plants. Both liquids high K. I prefer the K to be around the same as the N. For a medium sized plant in a medium sized pot (say 4-5 inch), top dress at about 10-15 pills/pot and you're done. I have brought paphs (like bellatulum) ex flask to flowering size in 2-3 years in 20 -30C with this practice. I find using a fine bark to top up the potting helps with keeping the nutricote on top of the the mix rather than falling down through it were it will be less efficient.
''Pros: high N low K like K-Lite'' ..... Low K is not a ''pro''. I would have though this silly notion would have died by now.
It's utter nonsense and the sooner you get it out of your mind the happier you will be! 
''Pros: high N low K like K-Lite'' ..... Low K is not a ''pro''. I would have though this silly notion would have died by now.