N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Jul 25, 2010 #4,941 False. TPBM is tired and will relax tonight.
B biothanasis Guest Jul 25, 2010 #4,942 Semi true cause I am tired, but there is no relax time... TPBM is thinking of making a continuous flow water system for their plants....!
Semi true cause I am tired, but there is no relax time... TPBM is thinking of making a continuous flow water system for their plants....!
C Clark Guest Jul 26, 2010 #4,943 true. at least for the ones that like wet feet.(i am thinking October). tpbm had bald eagle fly over car on Friday or recently.(full grown, treetop level, could see eyeball, open mouth, and tongue).
true. at least for the ones that like wet feet.(i am thinking October). tpbm had bald eagle fly over car on Friday or recently.(full grown, treetop level, could see eyeball, open mouth, and tongue).
B biothanasis Guest Jul 26, 2010 #4,944 Unfortunatelly false, but I would be impressed. TPBM is happy temps have dropped and the weather is kind of rainny.... A small interval from the unbearable heat....
Unfortunatelly false, but I would be impressed. TPBM is happy temps have dropped and the weather is kind of rainny.... A small interval from the unbearable heat....
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Jul 26, 2010 #4,945 kinda true. cooler but no rain tpbm is about to get and drink coffee
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Jul 26, 2010 #4,946 False, tea. TPBM knows that Clarke should be happy w/ 18 MPH because he was on a bike; while Eric should be sad because he was in a car!
False, tea. TPBM knows that Clarke should be happy w/ 18 MPH because he was on a bike; while Eric should be sad because he was in a car!
E eOrchids Well-Known Member Joined Jun 12, 2006 Messages 1,760 Reaction score 5 Location somewhere in NJ Jul 26, 2010 #4,947 TRUE / FALSE. TPBM has had their orchid orders unfullfilled in the past.
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Jul 26, 2010 #4,948 Yes! TPBM is interested in miniature orchids.
E eOrchids Well-Known Member Joined Jun 12, 2006 Messages 1,760 Reaction score 5 Location somewhere in NJ Jul 26, 2010 #4,949 TRUE. TPBM got back alright on Saturday.
C Clark Guest Jul 26, 2010 #4,950 true. after being passed by every motorist on way to show, to be fair, i passed everyboby on way home. tpbm is vacationing in California this year(again).
true. after being passed by every motorist on way to show, to be fair, i passed everyboby on way home. tpbm is vacationing in California this year(again).
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Jul 26, 2010 #4,951 false tpbm wants to nap nap nap!
J jewel Well-Known Member Joined May 27, 2010 Messages 397 Reaction score 0 Jul 26, 2010 #4,952 false, i cant sleep during the day. TPBM is making ice cream!
K Kavanaru Guest Jul 26, 2010 #4,953 False, it's 1:00 am here, and I must go to bed (furthermore, the kitchen in the new house is not ready yet, so... no freezer for ice cream...) TPBM has been living without running water in his/her house for the last 3 weeks... (in theory, this will end by Friday!)
False, it's 1:00 am here, and I must go to bed (furthermore, the kitchen in the new house is not ready yet, so... no freezer for ice cream...) TPBM has been living without running water in his/her house for the last 3 weeks... (in theory, this will end by Friday!)
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Jul 26, 2010 #4,954 False. TPBM is at work but not for long!
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Jul 26, 2010 #4,955 false thankfully tpbm noticed this evening that a battery-powered clock in their kitchen that had stopped two days ago, mysteriously started working again today
false thankfully tpbm noticed this evening that a battery-powered clock in their kitchen that had stopped two days ago, mysteriously started working again today
luvsorchids Well-Known Member Joined Mar 13, 2009 Messages 690 Reaction score 11 Location Seattle, WA Jul 26, 2010 #4,956 False, but had the clock on the oven do that a couple years ago . TPBM has been in a crappy mood the last few days, but is feeling more upbeat this afternoon.
False, but had the clock on the oven do that a couple years ago . TPBM has been in a crappy mood the last few days, but is feeling more upbeat this afternoon.
C Clark Guest Jul 27, 2010 #4,957 false. been in good mood. recreation in near future. tpbm has recenctly discovered another 'person below me game' on another forum.(some fellow picks his nose at redlights)
false. been in good mood. recreation in near future. tpbm has recenctly discovered another 'person below me game' on another forum.(some fellow picks his nose at redlights)
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Jul 27, 2010 #4,958 False, no time for many other forums! TPBM is hungry.
N nikv Guest Jul 27, 2010 #4,959 False, I just ate an English Muffin for breakfast. TPBM wonders why SlipperTalk doesn't have a Facebook page.
False, I just ate an English Muffin for breakfast. TPBM wonders why SlipperTalk doesn't have a Facebook page.
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Jul 27, 2010 #4,960 actually, false. i think it would take up time to put stuff there instead of just putting it here. tpbm has a different opinion on the facebook page
actually, false. i think it would take up time to put stuff there instead of just putting it here. tpbm has a different opinion on the facebook page