Well-Known Member
What is the reason 'Bulldog' is not considered acceptable? I always thought it had some reference to the look of the flower - usually big and bulky - but later learned that it was a reference to Winston Churchill (is that right?). Is this a negative reference?
Kevin, in my 40+ years of orchid growing, the term Bulldog, has only ever been used by growers in the USA. I know of no other country using that term.
The Bulldog was always used as a symbol of England during WW2, and many of the worlds best "Complex Hybrid" Paphs came from there originally. To my knowledge ( urban legend or not ) many plants were shipped to the USA because of the war so that their safety was ensured and returned later. Its possible that the bulldog term was created because of the English connection and thus Winston C.
To me and most growers here the term is defamitory to the plant.