But in all honesty, the AOS Judging System is in trouble.
Some centers are critically low on judges. So low in fact that a Judging Task Force is exploring ways to supplement center personnel with on line judges checking in to help round out judging teams. When an AOS center covers a very wide geographical area that is sparsely populated, it can be very hard to recruit judges.
In the case of our center, we too are getting low on judges. Age is one issue. But we have been a little more fortunate lately in that we have recruited a few new students. Hopefully we can advance them through the program and we will be better off as a center. We fair a little bit better in terms of attendance at monthly judgings but some of our shows may have trouble getting judges to travel to a show. I for one, have been taking rooms over night more then I ever have. This adds a little expense to the whole project but it makes the trip easier on me. I never imagined way back when what it would be like to hit 50 years of age!!!! 60? 70? now I am staring at 75!!! Holy mashed potatoes Batman!!!

But I have been blessed with good health and I will continue to judge. But I have to say, I see the end of my judging career is rapidly approaching. I see the end in the distance more so then ever before.
So please, if some of you who might be on the fence about becoming a judge, I beg you to reconsider. We need you, your center needs you.